The Monteville Diner

The Monteville Diner in Pine Brook, NJ

2 Stars

Monteville Diner

4 US 46

Pine Brook, NJ 07058


Open 24 Hours

The Monteville Diner is a very causual restaurant in Pine Brook, NJ.  It has a full bar, two dining rooms, and it is open 24 hours.  The décor is a little dated, but it is not unpleasant.  Some things are in disrepair, but nothing too obvious at first glance. 

We arrived at about 6:15 PM on December 17, 2018.  We were greeted promptly by the hostess and seated in a booth near the counter and next to a window. 

Big Baby says:

Atmosphere: 5    Cleanliness: 3     Food:  7     Service: 3

Overall Score: 4.5

Chicken Soup

When I came into the Monteville diner, I had only eaten there once before.  The sounds were kind of nice, and I was expecting the food to be very, very good, as it had been on my last visit.  Mama Foodie and I were seated at a booth that was comfortable.  The waitress arrived and asked what drinks we’d be having.  I had orange juice.  It was pretty good.  Then the soup came.  I had ordered the soup of the day.  It was chicken with pasta in it, but the pasta was stars. I also ordered the steak and eggs.  The steak was just as I like it.  Medium Rare.  The eggs were scrambled.  The eggs were tasty.  They tasted buttery, and I think maybe they put a little too much butter on them.  They slid off my fork a few times.  The toast that came with the eggs was a little overdone, but other than that, it was fine.  It was supposed to come with a side of fries, but the fries never arrived.  I ordered a strawberry banana milkshake for dessert, and it was warm.  Almost like they forgot to put the ice cream in.

Steak and Eggs

I went into the bathroom.  It was very run down, and the lock was broken on the stall.  Also, it smelled like soap in the bathroom. 

The restaurant had a TV in the dining area.  It was quiet enough in the restaurant that we could hear the conversation of the people at the next table.  I can’t really say how the atmosphere was because there really wasn’t much atmosphere.

I’d say that the Monteville diner might be good for take out.  The food was really the best part.  I’d say do not order the milkshake.  If you want food quickly because you are really hungry, it is not the place to go.  The service is kind of slow.

Milkshake at Monteville Diner

Mama Foodie says:

Atmosphere: 4     Cleanliness: 5    Food: 6     Service: 2

Overall Score: 4.25

In the Dining Area

Our experience at Monteville Diner was especially disappointing.  We had visited over the summer and encountered a wonderfully friendly waitress who made some excellent recommendations.  Our experience this time was way on the other end of the spectrum.  In all fairness, I must let you know that I received a phone call the minute we sat down.  (A family member was lost on a trip and needed some help, but that is a story for another day.)  I think that may have set the tone with our waitress.  Our interactions consisted of, “What would you like?” and, well, that was pretty much it.  She was unfriendly (perhaps because she was limping and clearly in pain?)  We had to ask for more water.  Big Baby’s fries never arrived.  She brought the check while we were still eating and seemed rather annoyed when I informed her that Big Baby wanted dessert.  At one point, I saw her put on her coat and leave.  I had to ask the bus boy if she was still working or if we were to have another server. 

Side Salad

The food was ok.  I took a risk and ordered the salmon, as I am on a pretty strictly low carb diet.  I ordered it with a side of vegetables instead of potatoes.  The salmon was served on a bed of sautéed spinach and feta cheese.  The vegetables were carrots and peas.  Unfortunately, I do not have a picture.  Technical difficulties.  The salad that came with the dinner was unremarkable, but ok.  Big Baby’s soup looked suspiciously like Campbell’s Chicken and Stars soup from a can.  I ate enough of that as a kid.  I should know.  I thought there was a lot of gristle on his steak, but he seemed happy.

The dining room is equally unremarkable.  I do like the wood paneling.  It gives the place a nice warm feel, which is good, since we definitely did not get that from our waitress.  The place is run down.  My booth had a crack in the seat, which looked like it had been taped multiple times.  The bathroom mirror had two very large cracks in it.  The bathroom was neither clean nor dirty.  It looks like they don’t clean very well in the corners, but it has also obviously been a long time since the place has been decorated.

I think in the future that we are going to give this place the pass.  There are enough diners in New Jersey that I don’t think we need to revisit the ones that are not up to Foodies standards.