Tun Tavern

Bowl of lentil soup
Lentil Soup at Tun Tavern

2.5 Stars

Tun Tavern

2 Convention Blvd

Atlantic City, NJ 08401



We went to Tun Tavern for dinner.  Their website says that they offer, “award-winning casual gourmet cuisine and handcrafted brews.”  We agree that these are lies.  It might be award-winning, but I wouldn’t call it gourmet cuisine, or even close.  I had a cheesesteak and onion rings.  Mama Foodie had lentil soup and a chicken breast sandwich.  Without further ado, the review.

Big Baby says:

Spoiler alert: It was awful.

Atmosphere: 4    Cleanliness: 5    Food:  6      Service: 7

Average Score: 5.5

The acoustics were awful. However, the décor was exquisite.  They had nice dark blue paint on the walls, an interesting view out of the window, and other decorations but it was really cold in the restaurant. There was weird music playing in the bathroom.

A picture of Big Baby's meal
Cheesesteak and Onion Rings at Tun Tavern

The cleanliness wasn’t so bad.  I couldn’t tell for sure, though, because the floor was the perfect shade to conceal dirt. 

My cheesesteak was good, but I believe they used the wrong kind of cheese for a true cheesesteak.  The onion rings were tasty and well cooked, however they seemed a little small. 

The servers were good at their jobs and were friendly.

Overall, go someplace else.  You’ll be better off.

Mama Foodie says:

Atmosphere: 8     Cleanliness:  5    Food: 2     Service: 6

Average Score: 5

This place has so much potential.  I mean, the allure of the Marine Corps mythology is probably enough to draw people in.  The décor of the place is really fun.  It’s very sleek and modern looking, but there is also a lot of Marine Corps memorabilia.  The bar area even has a life-sized statue of a Marine standing guard.  There are tee shirts available for sale, and there is a shadow box of a real Marine’s dress blue uniform.

Mama Foodie's lunch
Chicken sandwich

Unfortunately, that is where the quality ends.  As Big Baby mentioned, we went to Tun Tavern for dinner.  We arrived at about 5 PM.  I did not realize until much later when I returned for a drink that we had received the lunch menu.  There weren’t many healthy options, so I ordered lentil soup.  The lentil soup was the highlight of my meal.  Sadly, that is not saying very much.  It was hot and had some nice vegetables in it, but it was salty and not very flavorful.  My sandwich was a disaster.  I suppose they thought that if they toasted the stale bun, that I wouldn’t notice that it was stale?  My chicken was overcooked, flavorless and rubbery.  It was served with lettuce and tomato and honey mustard sauce that tasted suspiciously like salad dressing.

The restaurant was pretty clean.  I have no complaints there.

The servers were friendly and attentive.  One of our dining companions spilled her drink, and they came right over to help.  There were no issues with the accuracy of the order, and our servers checked back on us multiple times.  I downgraded the score due to being given the lunch menu and the tall tale the bartender told about the restaurant being a replica of the original Tun Tavern in Philadelphia.  I am pretty sure there were no stainless steel railings and walls of glass in 1685 when the original tavern was built.

I would give this place the pass.  It just does not live up to the name.